
What does a Primary Care Physician do?

It is important to take care of your health. Even if you are healthy, it is always best to consult a doctor to ensure nothing is amiss. You don’t usually need to see a specialist if you want to find out if there is a problem. The first time you visit a primary care doctor (PCP) will be your first. This is a doctor who can handle almost any type of medical problem, at least in the beginning. If you visit Partida Cora Medical Center, an experienced physician will evaluate your complaint and recommend the best treatment. This professional will only refer you to a specialist if your problem requires it.

What’s a Primary Care Physician?

There are many healthcare professionals and it can be difficult for patients to choose the right doctor. A PCP is a doctor that deals with all types of medical problems. Specialists are those that the PCP is unable to manage. While every specialist is a doctor, not all doctors are specialists.A PCP may choose to focus on a specific medical area in their residency program. They can also manage common conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.A PCP is the patient’s first contact to the healthcare system.A doctor can treat a stomachache or refer you to a specialist if you visit them. A PCP will usually know the outcome of your case before referring you elsewhere. A PCP can give you information about all possible treatment options so you can make an informed decision before you see a specialist. A PCP can be a vital part of your medical team for monitoring your progress and any other issues that might arise from the previous specialist.

What does a Primary Care Physician (PCP), do

As we mentioned, primary care can still be provided by several specialists. They can provide all the services that a normal doctor would, plus their specialty.The following are the functions of a PCP:

1: Dealing with Acute Injuries or Conditions

If you have any complaints or pain, your primary care physician can help.

i) Perform the necessary tests to determine the cause and nature of the complaint. These tests can include a urine analysis, general physical examination, and other specialized tests such as a liver function test.

ii) To treat fever and dehydration, administer some drugs and inject specially-prepared fluids (like normal water saline).

iii. Manage acute conditions such as asthma attacks, allergic reactions or migraine attacks.

Check for interactions between drugs and see if they are contributing to your present complaints.

v) Manage bites, sprains and rashes.

vi) Evaluate your mental state and decide if you require psychiatric assistance.

2 Preventive Treatment

Many primary care physicians offer a wellness program that includes the assessment of abnormalities and early signs of illness. They can screen for a variety of conditions and illnesses.


ii) High cholesterol

iii. Cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, and rectum

Abnormal growth and development in infants

v) Risk factors related to conditions such as stroke and chronic heart disease

vi) Sexually transmitted Infections

3 Managing and Assessing Chronic Conditions

Regular visits to your primary physician are required if you have a chronic condition such as hypertension (high blood pressure). This is done to assess whether the prescribed treatments are effective. Your PCP will coordinate your care with any other specialists that you might need. The management of autoimmune diseases such as Lupus can also be assisted by PCPs. Your treatment can also be adjusted by your PCP.

How to Choose a Primary Care Doctor for You

It can be difficult to find a primary care physician you like among so many. A PCP will typically see you several times per year, which will lead to a stronger relationship. When choosing a PCP, make sure there is a level of trust. Your PCP will be there for you in your most difficult moments of medical emergencies. To ensure smooth treatment, you want to be able to trust your PCP.Primary care physicians are like an emergency button you press to receive a prompt medical response.

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